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Saturday, 28 April 2012

Its That Time Again

Christian Party
Its that time again where we can make a difference to the way we live in the UK, with the elections on the 3rd May 2012. As christians we have the privelage to check out our local councillors and make wise choices. Not too long ago certain classes of people were not allowed to vote but thank God that times have changed. I would urge all christians to take advantage of the oppotunity we have and vote according to your consience. Lets stand up and be counted don't complain about the ruling party if your not doing your part by voting. Jeff Green will be joining me on The Voice of God Show any questions call or text show Details
To find more about the Christian Party click HERE

Thursday, 12 April 2012

holiday fun

swimming i find so energising and feel so tension free after a good swim. Ive suffered from severe lower back pain since I had my last baby 4yrs ago. Doing any activity has been really hard. I went from 9st9lbs to 12st8lbs. This month I decided the pain wasnt going to get the better of me. I started to watch how much I ate and lost 7lbs in a couple of weeks then I started to go for a fast 30mins walk each day and do lengths at the pool. Ive managed to loose another 7lbs in a couple of weeks. Im a stone lighter than a month ago the first stone is supposed to come off quiet quick now Im going to be put to the test and keep up the pace. I still managed to swim even with the children in the pool 2day they had sectioned a part of the pool off.
The Easter Celebration that my sister in law Grace had put on at penarth pier went amazingly well we had a good turn out and good feed back. the children really enjoyed the fun. Free baloons lunch toys and easter eggs. The message that Christ died and rose again and now lives was shared amoungst the people of penarth.
Bristol Zoo is our next trip hope the weather holds out and it doesnt rain.
Cardiff Museum is free and a really good place to visit their are lots of different sections to the museum check it out if your wandering what to do with the children I will be popping along.
dont forget to listen to sundays gospelshow http://www.gospelraph.co.uk/